

Hello folks! I hope everyone is doing well. Can you believe that the fall season is almost half over? I bet y’all have been just as busy as the Ellsworths the last couple of weeks. Continue reading

Ridin’ The Storm Out!!!


Hello friends! Today’s post may be short and sweet as we wanted to let y’all know what’s happening here in Charleston as it relates to Hurricane Matthew.

Sutherly is already dressed for the party and ready to rock and roll. She can do that, you know. As you can see from the list below, she has weathered many hurricanes since her birth in 1913 . Some folks might say, “This ain’t her first rodeo!”

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Getting Better All The Time!


Hey folks! I hope all is well with our friends and family in this little cyber community we are building. As always, we love the feedback we have received as we go about our daily lives. Simply Sutherland fans are truly the best!

Well, the verdict is in friends. We are keeping the front porch ceiling! With a little sanding and a pinch of color here and there to match the siding, it is ready for a clear coat of sealer and we are done! The feedback has been overwhelmingly in favor of leaving it as is. We think we have a winner.

As for the rest of the house, the story continues to unfold. Continue reading

Tell Me What You Want


Hey folks!  I apologize for the lapse between posts. I hope you don’t mind. Let me explain my system in this way.

Anyone older than 40 may remember an old commercial starring Orson Wells. It was an advertisement for a winery. His famous line was, “We will sell no wine before it’s time.” Well, that’s kind of my philosophy when it comes to this blog. There may be some lapsing between posts but I have to wait until there is sufficient information to share. So, for future reference, “I will post no blog before it’s time.” Just so you’ll know. Turns out Orson and I have a lot in common! Continue reading

Look Through Any Window



Hey folks! I hope all is well with all our cyber friends. I cannot begin to tell you how astonished I am by your interest in our journey. It seems everywhere I go I run into someone who tells me how much they enjoy reading the blog. As a matter of fact, let me quickly share one story.

In the last blog, Colour My World, I made comparison of Sutherly’s exterior colors to accessories such as the roof was her hat and the door color her lipstick. Fast forward to the following Saturday at the Charleston Farmers Market. In a conversation with a lady about the blog, I mentioned a comment from a reader who wrote, “I can’t wait to see Sutherly dressed in her new hat, jewels and lipstick!” You are not going to believe what happened next. This very nice lady’s eyes lit up as she said, ” Oh my, that was me!” What are the odds?

Okay, now on to the latest at 10 Sutherland Avenue. Continue reading

Colour My World


Hey folks! It has been quite awhile since our last chat.  In fact, I thought of choosing “Been A Long Time” by Led  Zeppelin” instead of “Colour My World” by Chicago for today’s post title. 🙂 But, I digress…  Let’s get you updated. There’s so much news to share!

As indicated by the title, color continues to play a huge role in the progress at 10 Sutherland Avenue. After working with the designer at Sherwin Williams on the interior colors, I felt confident enough to work on the exterior colors on my own. Continue reading

What’s New Pussycat?


Hey, y’all! It’s been awhile since our last chat. However, that doesn’t mean there hasn’t been a lot going on with the rebirth of our old girl, Sutherly. Let me tell ya folks, she’s looking good!

I have been frequenting paint, light and tile stores gathering information  to prepare for some final selections. You know, color is a tricky chick. You can know that you want a pale blue but when you look at chart and there are what seems like hundreds of light blue hues, it gets very confusing. I owe a big thank you to friends who have listened to my ideas and concerns and offered their advice. I think I am now in the home stretch of at least the color selections. Continue reading

Tell It Like It Is


Elephant 717

Hi, y’all! Hope all is well with everyone.

We are back from our whirlwind trip to Ohio which was followed closely by a fun-filled (hot) day at the Charleston Farmers Market. With all the details that need attention after such a busy week, I am anxious to fill you in on all that’s new on Sutherland Avenue.

I’ve been giving a lot of thought the last few days as to how to go forward with this blog. So far, other than the delay from the Charleston Board of Architectural Review (BAR), everything has gone smoothly. So the question I’ve been asking myself is this, “Am I going to be open with you about the bumps we encounter along the way? Or am I going to paint a rosy picture like it’s all a piece of cake?” For those of you who know me personally, you won’t be surprised that I decided to just go ahead and Tell It Like It Is. So here we go.

This week we had a bump. Continue reading

Back On The Road Again!


David &  Cindy

Hey y’all! I hope all is well with all our friends, both new and old. We are headed to Ohio this weekend to visit with of our grandchildren so I wanted to make sure I filled you in on what has been happening at 10 Sutherland before we left.

Finally! We are back on the road again! We got the final building permit from the Charleston Board of Architectural Review and things are starting to happen! Continue reading

Every Picture Tells A Story

10 Sutherland 093

Hi folks! I hope all is well with everyone in our little virtual community we are building. It’s been awhile since the last post, but there hasn’t been a lot of information to share. That is until the last couple of days. We are excited to finally be making some progress.

In order to give you a full report, I need some more photographs which I plan to take this weekend. I will give you the full details in a couple of days.

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